Samostalna izložba – instalacija – Istočni dio Dioklecijanovih podruma, Split 2009.
Omoti bombona nisu samo ambalaža slatkiša kakva se nekoć izrađivala, već su i nagrade koje smo kao djeca pronalazili pod jastukom ako bi ih prethodnog dana našim ponašanjem zaslužili.
Iza svakog truda stajala je nagrada, a svaka nagrada značla je omot više.
Moja zamisao nije govoriti isključivo o sjećanju već iz njega izvući poruku; upotrijebiti omote kao metaforu za napredak.
Napredak baziran na naučenim vrijednostima; izgradnja radom i dobivenim nagradama.
Koristeći se omotima, ja gradim slažući komad po komad poput ciglica koje tvore neku konstrukciju. Za razliku od čvrstog kamena palače stabilnog i zatvorenog u točno određenu cjelinu, moja konstrukcija je u izgradnji. To je otvoren proces, baziran na težnji.
Konstrukcija zidova Palače (kamen po kamen) gotovo da pruža uzor, istovremeno tvoreći kontrast materijala, ali i sklad oblika.
KORIŠTENI MATERIJAL: folija, lakovi na bazi vode, pigmenti, svjetlo.
Personal exibition – installation – Eastern part of Diocletian’s basement, Split 2009.
Candy wrappings are not just packagings for sweets that used to be manufactured, but are also rewards that as children we would find under our pillows if we earned them for our good behaviour the previous day.
Reward was hidden behind our every effort, and every reward meant one more wrapping.
My idea was not only to talk about memories but to draw a lesson from them, to use the wrappings as a metaphor for improvement.
Improvement based on accomplishments; developing our personalities by work and given rewards. Using these wrappings I’m building, putting in order piece by piece just like bricks that make a construction. Unlike the firm stone of a palace that is stable and closed in a strictly defined unit, my construction is still being built. It is an open process, based on aspiration.
The construction of the Palace walls (stone by stone) offers a role model, at the same time creating a contrast of materials, and a harmony of forms.
USED MATERIALS: 2 types of foil, acrylic varnishes based on water, pigments, light.