Samostalna izložba, Salon Galić, Split
U seriji radova pod nazivom Traces / Tragovi, suočavam se s temom gubitka tijela u sistemima virtualne komunikacije.
Predmet mog interesa su tri odrednice: prostor, vrijeme i identitet.
Kroz formu razglednice konkretiziram te pojmove, za virtualni svijet apstraktne.
Prostor = motiv s razglednice
Vrijeme= realne vremenske odrednice koje se očituju kroz poštanske žigove i datume u samom tekstu sudionika projekta
Rukopis = čovjekov identitet, trag postojanja.
U listopadu 2010.godine, na društvenoj mreži Facebook pokrenula sam istoimenu grupu, preko koje sam stupila u kontakt s ljudima, čiji je zadatak bio poslati razglednicu vlastitog grada na moju kućnu adresu.
Procesom umrežavanja projektu se priključilo preko 300 ljudi, od kojih su 44 osobe poslavši razglednicu, stupile u direktan kontakt sa mnom, i na taj su način postali aktivni sudionici projekta.
Kompozicija /triptih sadrži rukopise ( tragove identiteta ) svih sudionika projekta, a motivi s razglednica bili su inspiracija za slikarske radove.
In the series of works entitled Traces / tracks , I face the theme of the body loss in the systems of virtual communication. The subjects of my interest are: space , time and identity.
Through the form of postcards I concretised these terms, abstract for the virtual world :
Space = motif from the postcards
Time = real time lines that are determined through postage stamps and dates in the text of the project participants
Manuscript = a man ‘s identity, a trace of existence
In October 2010, on the social network Facebook I launched eponymous group , through which I came in contact with the people whose job was to send a postcard of their own city to my home address.
By the process of networking the project was joined by more than 300 people, 44 of them sent a postcard, came into direct contact with me and thus became active participants of the project.
Composition / triptych contains manuscripts ( traces of identity ) of all the participants in the project, and the postcard motifs were the inspiration for the painting works.