“Rad je baziran na komunikaciju s ljudima, kroz koju se propituju odnosi intimnog prostora doma i suvremene umjetnosti.
Humanizam i moderno doba ucinile su sliku sastavnim dijelom gradjanskog doma.
Nasumicnim odabirom nekoliko obicnih gradjanskih obitelji, te ulaskom u njihove domove i razgovorom s ukucanima iz pozicije umjetnice, autorica propituje odnos umjetnosti i gradjanskog doma danasnjice.
Radovi su slikarska interpretacija uspostavljenog odnosa.
Ogoljenost prostora i nedostatak sadrzaja, dio su realnosti koju je umjetnica zatekla.
Komunikacijski proces sa stvarnoscu danasnjeg doma, autorica zaokruzuje poklanjajuci po jedan rad iz ovog ciklusa svakoj obitelji koja je sudjelovala u projektu.
Na taj nacin makar simbolicki suvremena umjetnost izlazi iz ogranicenih krugova naviklih na svakodnevni kontakt s njom.”
Tonci Krancevic Batalic
Inter nos
“The work is based on the communication with the people, through which the relations between the intimacy of a home and Contemporary Art are being qustioned.
Humanism and modern times have made the painting an integral part of a city home.
Choosing several ordinary civil families, entering their homes and talking to their members, the artist gathers information about the relation between art and civil home of the present time.
The works are the painter’s interpretation of established relationship.
Bareness of space and the absence of content are a part of the reality that the artist came upon.Communication process with the reality of today home, the author is completing by giving one work from this series to each family who participated in the project.
In that way, even though simbolicaly, Modern Art steps out of the limited number of people accustomed to having daily contact with it.”
Tonci Krancevic Batalic